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Algis Kemezys's Recent Galleries

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15-Aug-2024 23:25
My Fishy Friends * 2024
:: My Fishy Friends * 2024 ::
11-Aug-2024 05:00
My Uncharted Tour of Scattered Destinations  1973-2024
:: My Uncharted Tour of Scattered Destinations 1973-2024 ::
02-Apr-2023 16:41
Cemetery Moments* Graven Images  Mark Anthony Kemezys  RIP 1973-2009
:: Cemetery Moments* Graven Images Mark Anthony Kemezys RIP 1973-2009 ::
04-Mar-2023 18:05
 Jack Frost's Art work. 2023
::  Jack Frost's Art work. 2023 ::
03-Mar-2016 14:58
Greek Statues Born in Stone
:: Greek Statues" Born in Stone" ::
28-Feb-2016 13:46
Scanned  Wild Flowers with their Ectoplasmic Energy FroZen in Time.
:: Scanned Wild Flowers with their Ectoplasmic Energy FroZen in Time. ::
29-Jan-2015 22:12
Abandoned around the Mediterranean
:: Abandoned around the Mediterranean ::
17-Dec-2014 10:36
:: Pareidolia ::
07-Dec-2014 09:34
In Box
:: In Box ::