03-Oct-2017 01:14

:: China Lights ::
17-Sep-2015 20:42

:: Glass Works ::
13-Sep-2015 15:02

:: Of the Ancients ::
13-Sep-2015 13:37

:: Toward the Supreme ::
13-Sep-2015 13:07

:: Fair Play ::
06-Sep-2015 14:39

:: The Windmill ::
06-Sep-2015 12:13

:: Kinesthetic Sculpture Kinesthetic People ::
30-Aug-2015 15:15

:: Vizcaya ::
16-Aug-2015 17:47

:: Spring at the Arboretum ::
16-Aug-2015 12:25

:: Exploring the Lightner Museum ::
15-Aug-2015 11:36

:: Of Gold & Bronze ::
09-Aug-2015 13:14

:: From the Middle Ages ::