23-Nov-2014 17:10

:: Temp uploading area just used for quick postings ::
12-Jun-2011 15:03

:: Studenten 2011 i Nyköping ::
04-Jan-2011 16:21

:: Drawn and shot by Natalie Ferm ::
03-Feb-2010 18:06

:: Shots of late januari and februri after the snow ::
03-Feb-2010 12:55

:: Sandy's cafeteria at Nyckeln and around ::
29-Jan-2010 23:26

:: Setup your screen properly. ::
24-Dec-2009 21:06

:: Snow... mostly... ::
18-Dec-2009 23:53

:: Occational from everything at the reminder of 2009 ::
04-Nov-2009 19:32

:: Quick test of the new Tamron 60/2.0 ::
30-Oct-2009 18:48

:: First walkabout with my new camera 2009-10-28 ::
22-Oct-2009 20:41

:: New Toy the Sony a850 ::
22-Oct-2009 18:16

:: Nävsjön 20091018 ::