:: Gala des étoiles Théâtre de Luxembourg ::
Copyright, you need a permission from the photographer to use these pictures, more photos on http://www.krescht.com under events Gala des étoiles 2016 / more on http://www.krescht.com/gala-des-toiles-2016
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:: Panama 2016 ::
Copyright, you need a permission from the photographer to use these pictures / more photos on http://www.krescht.com/panama and http://www.krescht.com/panama-2
:: Colombia 2016 ::
Video Colombia 2016: http://youtu.be/o-WuDoH1E9w
Buena Vista / Quimbaya - http://www.krescht.com/buena-vista
Valle de Cocora - http://www.krescht.com/valle-de-cocora
Cafe de Altura / Quimbaya - http://www.krescht.com/cafe-de-altura
Eje Cafetero -http://www.krescht.com/eje-cafetero
Cartagena - http://www.krescht.com/cartagena-2
Isla San Andres - http://www.krescht.com/isla-san-andres
Isla Providencia - http://www.krescht.com/isla-providencia
Best Of B&W - http://www.krescht.com/best-of-b-w-2
Bogota - http://www.krescht.com/bogota
Cartagena - http://www.krescht.com/cartagena
Barranquilla - http://www.krescht.com/barranquilla
Isla Mucura - http://www.krescht.com/isla-mucura
Santa Cruz del Islote - http://www.krescht.com/santa-cruz-del-islote
:: Luxembourg Winter 2016 impressions ::
Luxembourg Winter 2016, more on www.krescht.com
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:: Addys Mercedes ::
Copyright, you need a permission from the photographer to use these pictures, more photos on www.krescht.com , please visit and leave me some comments, Concert 10.10.2015 au CAPE Luxembourg, more photo on my web www.krescht.com
Cuban singer...more on www.addysmercedes.com/en/
:: Sakura - by DanceXperience ::

Spectacle de Danse en 8 scènes
Thrène à la mémoire des victimes d'Hiroshima et Nagasaki le 3 octobre 2015 au Théâtre de la Ville d'Esch-sur-Alzette Inspiré par les tankas, les poèmes courts japonais, SAKURA est un spectacle dansé qui rend hommage à la vie ..... et à la mort.
On dit que l'archipel japonais était déjà peuplé il y a plus de 10.000 ans. Une culture unique, un héritage culturel hors norme, de grandes traditions. Le SAKURA, cerisier florissant, a toujours été un symbole de vie et de beauté éphémère au Japon. La vie est à considérer comme belle et courte, telle une fleur de cerisier. Difficile à comprendre qu'au bout de quelques instants, toute cette beauté et plus de 150.000 êtres humains succombèrent des suites d'un effroyable feu nucléaire.
Idée et scénographie: Natascha Ipatova
Danse: Sylvia Camarda ainsi qu'une cinquantaine de jeunes danseurs de DanceXperience asbl
Cello: André Mergenthaler
Remix: SunGlitters
Chorégraphie: Sylvia Camarda, Remy Pagard, Naomi Kormann, Natascha Ipatova
Musique d'oeuvres traditionnelles de différentes provinces japonaises
Light design et projections: Equipe Technique du Théâtre de la Ville d'Esch-sur-Alzette
Production: DanceXperience asbl
Coproduction: Théâtre de la Ville d'Esch-sur-Alzette
Sakura 2, Tempei Nakamura & Sylvia Camarda , Eglise Prostetante de la Trinité (21.11.2015) Concert à la mémoire des victimes d'Hiroshima & Nagasaki by DanceXperienceCopyright, you need a permission from the photographer to use these pictures, more photos on www.krescht.com , please visit and leave me some comments
:: Mullerthal - Luxembourg ::
also known as Little Switzerland - Copyright, you need a permission from the photographer to use these pictures, more photos on www.krescht.com latest update www.krescht.com/m-llerthal-6, please visit and leave me some comments
:: Wild Mushrooms and plants 2015 ::
Copyright, you need a permission from the photographer to use these pictures, more photos on www.krescht.com, latest update www.krescht.com/2015-mushrooms3
:: Rock Classics Beaufort 2015 ::
Rock Classics Beaufort 2015, Copyright, you need a permission from the photographer to use these pictures, more photos on www.krescht.com under events / Rocks Classics
:: Ernesto and Friends 2014/2015 ::

Copyright, you need a permission from the photographer to use these pictures. Dog -friends are Heiko, Pipo and Nino. And our cat Picasso.
Ernesto vom Böhmerwald, born 6.2.2011 / www.krescht.com
Chodsky Pes / Bohemian Shepherd / more informations can be found on www.chodsky-pes.de (Dog breeder: Karin Böhme Hogrefe)
Ernesto is also on YOUTUBE, some videos:
From Wikipedia:
Chodský pes is a medium-sized breed. They are 19 to 22 inches in height and weigh about 35-55 lbs. The coat is long and thick with a dense undercoat, colour is black and tan. The ears are erect, small, high-set and pointed.
This is a very active dog with a wonderful temperament. They are quick in training and are generally very fast learners. This breed is not aggressive, they are good with children, dogs and other pets. Chodský pes is great at agility, rescue work and service-training. It has an excellent nose and exhibits aptitudes for working with handicapped people. Naturally it is also a wonderful watch dog. This is certainly a breed of many talents, excelling in agility, rescue work, guiding the deaf and blind, herding and even recreational sledding.
Chodský pes is an old sheepdog breed. They have been also guarding Czech southern borders and homes in the area. "Chodove", the local people living there, had an exceptional permission to hold large dogs for this purpose. Alois Jirasek, writing about a brave uprising of the local people, even assigned these dogs as a flag symbol of them. Though that is actually incorrect, the symbol became part of national knowledge due to drawings of a well known Czech painter Mikolas Ales. The symbol of the chodský pes is still on Czech young scouts badges.
As the breed of chodský pes is old, it is possibly also one of the predecessors to the German Shepherd. Chodský pes is known to exist in the Czech lands as far back as the 14th century, and having been professionally bred as early as the 16th century. A modern breeding program for this dog was started in 1984 and there are now many breeders. About 3500 registered pups have been born since the program started (1984–2009).
:: Gala des étoiles Théâtre de Luxembourg ::
Copyright, you need a permission from the photographer to use these pictures, more photos on www.krescht.com under events Gala des étoiles 2015
:: Miami South Beach ::
More Photos on my new website: www.krescht.com