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Non-stop Bird Photography | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent

Profile for Non-stop Bird Photography
Name Non-stop Bird Photography (joined 24-Jan-2010) (pbase supporter)
Username david_monticelli
Location Belgium
View Galleries : Non-stop Bird Photography has 89 galleries and 6247 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 1149193 times.

View Guestbook : 2 messages. Most recent on 11-Nov-2016.

Message from Non-stop Bird Photography
Thank you for visiting my photo galleries where you will find a selection of my best images!

I am a Belgian ornithologist with a broad interest in birds and wildlife. My main centre of interest lies within the Western Palearctic boundaries but I also travel frequently around the world to photograph more birds and other species.

The top menu on my frontis page gives you access to the latest uploaded gallery and to a selection of "Best shots" that have been published in books, magazines and papers. There is also from the top menu a link to my blog (autumn rarities on Corvo, Azores) and to my research articles.

The lower menu below my signature will give you access to all images in a ordered manner starting with "Gallery of the month", "Western Palearctic", "Rest of the world" and "Recently added images" galleries.

If you are interested in the acquisition of one or more images, you can always email me at with your request.

Thank you in advance!

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