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Unrepentant snapshooter! | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails
Welcome to my galleries! I have had a fascination with photography since the pre-teens, and have progressed from an ANSCO box camera, through the Graflex 4X5 press camera,an old Praktika single lens reflex, which was quickly traded for a Canon Rangefinder IV-S2, Then two Pentaxes, and then a Nikon FM, a 6006, and finally, digital.

My images are a mix of older photos, scanned from negatives and color slides.

I love digital, for the additional amount is allows me to shoot. I hope you enjoy looking at my photos as much as I did taking them.
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The seasons cometh!
The seasons cometh!
Newbie photog...1958-present
Newbie photog...1958-present
Birds, Beasts and Fish, with the occasional Slithery Serpent,  Bugs, and a Spider or three
Birds, Beasts and Fish, with the occasional Slithery Serpent, Bugs, and a Spider or three
Ferrari Challenge
Ferrari Challenge
Things with wings and other stuff
Things with wings and other stuff
Heber, Ut. Fly-in, 2012
Heber, Ut. Fly-in, 2012
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