pbase Morning Light at Cogwall Fram August 28_DSC1634.jpg
Over the past 4 years of Pading, I have driven past this scene most weekends. I always thought that this fence under the right light would be an interesting shot. Persistence paid off.
Today is day 88 of Moki being an important part of my summer- He is now 19 weeks old. Java, my five year old black lab, is reaching the point where it is time for Moki to learn some manners. Java is using a very low growl - when Moki persists, he is giving Moki a small correction. Java has been a great at raising the puppy, but as you can see by the pictures - he has grown up over the summer.
This has been lot of work. Many nights going out in the dark at 2 am, but is has been a great summer.