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John Smeets | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Dan Chusid30-Dec-2008 08:14
Happy Holidays John!
Keep up the great imagery work.
LC Goh04-Oct-2007 12:44
Beautiful galleries
Guest 14-Jun-2007 05:18
Words can't describe how impressed I am of your work.
Guest 24-Apr-2007 09:28
Dear John,
You have so beautifuly photos in yours portfolio...Excellent my friend...Excellent work...Greetings from Montenenegro and i will come back with pleasure...
Guest 08-Mar-2007 07:04
Fantastic gallery.
Robyco04-Dec-2006 11:53
You really make pictures beyond what normal is on this site.
Very good to look at and to see how it should be.
I will be back
Guest 26-Sep-2006 11:44
Hello John,

just found out you are also on pbase ( shame on me )
Nice to meet you and your work here. I will come look often.
Joy ( aka honnybeejoy on dh )
gerben 04-Sep-2006 14:19
Zag je stuk in zoom staan, en kom hier toevallig via de nieuwe foto's op je pbase site.
Heel mooi.. en een uitdaging om zelf verder te gaan.
Jij sterkte met het terugkomen!
Albert 05-Mar-2006 07:07
John,Je werk is schitterend en heel inspirerend voor mij en ik weet zeker voor heel veel andere fotografen! Hope to meet you ones in this live,but sure in photoheaven!
Al 03-Feb-2006 10:16
j'ai adoré vos galeries, vous maitrisez bien votre sujet, bravo !!!
Dan Chusid02-Jan-2006 18:46
Always a pleasure.
Best wishes for a healthy and photographically
prosperous New Year!
- Dan
Guest 11-Aug-2005 00:10
Your lighting for your nudes is outstanding! Crisp, clean and clear! Thanks for sharing.

Bryan Oten
Nicole Meuwese-van Rhee22-Jul-2005 18:17
Hoi John,
Ik was Zo'n beetje op P-Bhase aan het surfen en zag jou foto's.
Ziet er mooi uit!!!
Guest 12-Jul-2005 01:20
Very nice work!!! I visit often to inspire me and to give me ideas. If I only had the time and permenent studio! Keep sharing.
Peter Arbib
Tamara = Tarissa op DH 08-Jul-2005 20:22
Hoi John, jij had het over een paar dagen maar ze staan er nu al op, top hoor!! Het zijn leuke foto's geworden hé? Het is gek maar op 2 foto's lijkt het alsof ik bij mijn ene oog kortere wimpers heb mmmmm....was jou dit al opgevallen? Die zwartwit foto vind ik echt mega gaaf!! Is het mogelijk om tegen betaling de foto's te kunnen ontvangen?

Guest 15-Jun-2005 09:07
another "one of the best" - thank you for sharing.

Best regards,
Guest 21-Apr-2005 07:22
Sir, I just want to say that your photos are of great inspiration for me. I just started out, and I have visited your site almost too much that its embarrassing. Just wanted to say thanks, and request that if you ever update your page, that you send me a message : D

Thanks again

Guest 11-Apr-2005 14:41
i love your portraits images.. i find that the outdoor lighting is very nice in your countrys. u have good eyes to pick beautiful models and make them at ease. do check my website.. i like to hear your comments. bravo.
Guest 11-Mar-2005 14:36
marieke 22-Nov-2004 22:45
Hey John,

Mooie foto's op je site... Leuk dat ik er nu ook tussen sta :) Ben tot nu toe erg blij met het resultaat van de gemaakte foto's! Vond het een geslaagde middag en erg gezellig. Verheug me op onze volgende samenwerking...

Groetjes Marieke
Jim 15-Nov-2004 19:54
Amazing photos John!
I still consider myself an amateur, but recently bought a 10D to help me get into the professional relm. I've been reading numerous books, such as portrait posing and lighting to help bridge the knowledge gap.
Are there any books you would recommend for lighting or posing?
Thanks for the help ad the fantastic shots to learn from!
patrick 07-Nov-2004 09:07
Hoi John, ik had al meerdere goeie foto's van je gezien, dus werd het een keer tijd dat ik op je site ging kijken. erg mooie foto's en vele goeie ideeën !!! knap werk. ik hoop dat ik je ook een keer een kijkje op mijn site neemt

groetjes patrick
Dan Chusid24-Oct-2004 06:36
Some very nice work John. Regards, - DC
natascha 18-Oct-2004 16:53
hoi john,

Ik heb je foto's bekeken en vind ze erg goed. Ik ben op zoek naar fotografen die mij willen helpen mijn porfolio te vullen met goeie foto's, en nou lijk jij me daar de aangewezen persoon voor. Ik hoop wat van je te horen, en dan zou ik je ook wat foto's van mezelf kunnen sturen.

Groetjes Natascha
Naturephoto Monique10-Sep-2004 09:41
John, just wanted to add my 2 cents... Wonderful work! A broad range of photography types done in a very professional and exciting manner.
Guest 08-Aug-2004 13:18

You have an amazing ability to capture feminine beauty.

Eric P
John Buffin25-Jul-2004 22:05
Love your work.
Leon Paalvast06-Jul-2004 21:46
goed gewerkt John !
Hodero13-Jun-2004 19:00
Gee John,

Je be-komkommerde model is fantastisch.
Wat een Job..!Mooie fotoos!!
Heb je een eigen Studio???
Carlos Moran24-May-2004 19:40

Thank you for sharing your work, I enjoyed it very much. You add a wonderful creative touch to your photopgraphy, very refreshing. Please visit my galleries and leave a comment if you have a moment.

Kiete 28-Mar-2004 15:48
Kan niet anders zeggen dan dat ik vind dat je gewelidge foto's maakt!
Zag er al regelmatig een aantal langs komen op DH, dus toch maar ff langs gewipt op je site!
Mooi in elkaar gezet ook, dusse ik kan weinig anders zeggen dan ga zo door!
Guest 06-Mar-2004 12:08
I realy like your photos.
modeldanielle+modeltortelli 14-Jan-2004 13:28
Hoi John gave foto's op deze site ik hoop dat je ook even op onze site's een bezoekje komt brengen.
Onze site's zijn en
Ik hoop nog meer van je te horen groetjes Eric
Paul Teixeira04-Jan-2004 10:53
Great shots at the triathlon!

Best regards,
Paul Teixeira

Kelvin Tan11-Nov-2003 23:38
Wow John... lovely low light and Severall images! nice portrait shots too! great diversity!
Guest 08-Jun-2002 14:43
Thanks for the message you left me on my pbase site. I came to look at your photos but you had so many, I had to come back again to see them all. Wow, so many shots an all so good. You have some superb shots, you have an eye for great composition and your subjects are interesting. I enjoyed my visit here very much and I'll look forward to your future posting on dpreview.

Eelco Kooiker 25-Mar-2002 12:23
Very nice photo's do you have made with the Minolta. In the near future I also want to buy a digital camera and on dpreview I read you want to sell your gear.
From some photo-names I understand you live in the Netherlands?

Can I reach you by email?

Eelco Kooiker
Mark Lane 18-Mar-2002 20:50
Very inspiring, John. Great angles on the railway pics. All good albums. Take a browse at my macro's at, my favourite subject!
Bart Carrig 13-Mar-2002 02:28
I was viewing a thread on the B-300 (as I am in the process of getting one) and I was happy to follow the link to your pbase gallery. They are impressive photos. I am relatively new to D7 photography, but have much the same setup as you describe. I have the same questions as Mr. Waite had for you (pbase, resolution, etc.) so maybe you could send me a copy of the email response you're sending him. In addition, I have read other threads about photobrush. I'm impressed with your results. I take it you find it to be a worthwhile investment with Photoshop? I just purchased AutoFX Edges for some pictures I've taken. Photobrush seems like a good choice. Do you recommend it?

Thanks for posting those great photos.
Norman E. Spaulding 05-Mar-2002 08:01
These are incredible photos!

My Dimage 7 is in transit from BHPhotovideo as I write this. I am going to try to use your excellent photos as a "goal" for me to shoot for. Subject matter will be different of course (I'm interested in transportation and architecture). However, your composition is also breathaking. Several in the "live" section just astound me. The rich colors of that table in several shots, for example.

I note the lack of noise in these pictures; at least insofar as the web (compressed) copies go. Wonderful! I can't say enough.

May I ask, what is your preferred "path?" That is, what do you generally do with files as they first come out of the D7? Taking a wild guess here, I think you first prefer to use Colorfix over Divu. Then take the results into Photoshop. Are there any "general" functions you perform inside Photoshop to most of the pictures, as well?

Of course there are exceptions to everything, but I was just wondering what you do as a rule of thumb.

Following advice I found elsewhere, I have purchased a 49mm to 62mm step-up ring, and a Hoya 62mm Circular Polarizer in the hopes of avoiding/minimizing vignetting. We'll see!

Thanks again for such an inspirational group of photos!

Terry Waite 03-Mar-2002 01:32
Great Photo's John. You have a very good eye. I am just getting into this with my new D7. If I may ask a question, How do you put files up for people to view on PBASE and still make them look great at large sizes but not have them be too large for others to download and see?. Andd how do you handle the possibility of theft of your images by others who may want top steal them and profit from them?. Are they at 72dpi if you try to save them to HD and won't print very well?. What utility do you use and procedure to save them for web use?. Thanks in advance.

P.S I followed your link from the Minolta talk forum.