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Myburgh Kennekam | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Guest 29-Nov-2021 23:25
Hi, hier is ek weer. 2021 Ugh wat 'n vrot jaar . . . wag ek moet positief wees . . . laat ek gou soek vir iets mooi . . . nee jammer, dit was 'n vreeslike jaar!!! Gelukkig is ons nog 'n jaar nader aan ons verlossing . . . sien jou daar!!
Guest 29-Nov-2021 23:25
Hi, hier is ek weer. 2021 Ugh wat 'n vrot jaar . . . wag ek moet positief wees . . . laat ek gou soek vir iets mooi . . . nee jammer, dit was 'n vreeslike jaar!!! Gelukkig is ons nog 'n jaar nader aan ons verlossing . . . sien jou daar!!
Japie 30-Nov-2019 00:24
Yep, nog 'n jaar verby, dis verbasend hoe vinnig tyd vlieg, gelukkig ook want dan sien ons jou ook gouer. Ons het jou nie vergeet nie my maat!!
pacs22-May-2015 18:43
great site!
cheveux gras19-May-2015 06:44
Great photo !
tresse15-May-2015 16:51
You have beautiful pictures! Thank you!
John Kennekam 06-Oct-2014 07:54
Thanks for the kind words Stan. We all miss him a lot. Apart from being my brother he was also my best friend.
Stan 30-Sep-2014 11:49
To Myburgh’s Family,

I just learned from Gerrit about the tragic event. A few days ago I wrote to Myburgh to tell him how much his photography has influenced my decisions and life. Because of him, I want to stay in Kalahari for months at a time. A few days ago I bought a new lens, the most important in my life, and before I purchased it, I decided that I need to have one just like Myburgh since his pictures are so great. So I went to his pages and checked his equipment. Then, next morning I bought the same. When I retire, I would love to spend months in South Africa with my wife because of pictures we have seen. I told all this to Myburgh a few days ago, but there was no reply. I suspected the worst. It was confirmed this morning.

I feel such sadness! I never met him, but we exchanged emails in which he helped me in my photo decisions. I did hope to meet him one day when we are in South Africa.

Myburgh, I will not see you now, but someday I will meet you. Rest in Peace, my Friend.

Stan from Poland residing in USA.
Sjaan Kennekam 03-May-2014 12:21
Hi Monica,
My dad was a great painter, so I'm sure it was his.

Monica 05-Jun-2013 18:49
Hi, this is monica. I hare a painting of myburgh kennekam and would laje to know, if he is the artist of Thais painting?
John Kennekam03-Dec-2011 15:48
An update. Tina has to undergo an operation on her spine as a result of the operation. Thanks for all the comments.

John Kennekam (brother)
Guest 03-Dec-2011 12:47
What a shock it was when, on our way to Kgalagadi, I read in the paper about Myburgh's untimely death.

Our sincere condolences to Tina and the kids and his family.

Kobus & Mari Botes
Steve Bailey03-Dec-2011 04:38
Myburgh and Tina were on their way to the Kgalagadi The Prado overturned about 30km north of Calvinia. We do not really know what happened yet. Many people are commenting on the gusts of strong wind on that piece of road.

Myburgh was killed instantly, thankfully. Tina has some bumps and bruises and damage to her ankle but she is OK physically.
Steve Bailey03-Dec-2011 04:37
Deepest sympathy to the family at the death of Myburgh....such a tragic lost of a very talented artist/photographer

aFriend 01-Dec-2011 12:00
Danie van Wyngaard 30-Nov-2011 16:18
Sadly I must inform you that my dear friend Mybs was killed in a car crash yesterday.
My sincere condolences to his wife Tina, their children and his family.
Rest in peace my friend,

Manoj Bagwandeen 29-Nov-2011 12:00
Absolutely stunning work!!

I just got back from Kgalagadi and found your profile while randomly searching for the names of some birds I 'shot' out there. Your work truly does justice to the magical experience I enjoyed in the Kgalagadi. I am a 'fan'. Keep it up.
Kavey 26-Sep-2011 08:46
Wonderful collection of images, truly breathtaking.
robertoparmiggiani06-Feb-2011 13:18
Fantastic work weel done
annie hall 08-Jun-2010 16:39
always the artist, do you still paint?
Maja Waiss04-Mar-2010 19:36
You have a great galleries!!!!!

Maja Waiss
Yvonne Merriam26-Jan-2010 19:17
Breathtaking images! Thank you for sharing!
Guest 23-Jan-2009 12:16
Nice Galleries
Lorne 22-Jan-2009 23:07
Hi Myburgh

Impressive and lovely work. Thanks for sharing them. Blessings....
Kim Krynauw 10-Apr-2008 21:29
Hi myburgh
I am not sure if you are the myburgh I am looking for - I met myburg in the early 90's he painted me a unicorn and fairy picture - he lived in kempton park? is this by any chance that myburgh?? Kind regards Kim
James Bokovoy 02-Mar-2008 00:50
Great images! I will be in Kruger at the end of April. That is just a few weeks away and your images on this website have really inspired. Thanks again and keep up the great work.

I hope you don't mind that I posted a link to your website on the Dpreview website. You have used both systems (N/C) very well.

James Dean
Gerrit10-Feb-2008 11:45
Welcome back Myburgh. Some great work that you have brought back from your Kruger trip. I hope there are some more coming. What was the outcome of your loss on the morning you left?
Mike Mills 06-Feb-2008 21:50
Very nice photos. I hope that you don't mind that I added some scientific names to the comments. Remove them at will.
Cliff Rap06-Feb-2008 21:11
Beautiful work! I'll be returning often!