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===== To clarify once and for all. I do not allow my pictures to be used by any commercial enterprise. Links to my pictures are welcome. =====

До Америка и назад
:: До Америка и назад ::
The beginning
:: The beginning ::
Italy - 1969
:: Italy - 1969 ::
Niagara falls - 1972
:: Niagara falls - 1972 ::
Montreal - Canada - 1973
:: Montreal - Canada - 1973 ::
Toronto - Canada - 1974
:: Toronto - Canada - 1974 ::
Kenedy Space Center - 1974
:: Kenedy Space Center - 1974 ::
Boca Raton - Florida - USA - 1975
:: Boca Raton - Florida - USA - 1975 ::
US Air Force Academy - 1976
:: US Air Force Academy - 1976 ::
The Grand Canyon - USA - 1976
:: The Grand Canyon - USA - 1976 ::
Egypt - 1977
:: Egypt - 1977 ::
London - 1978
:: London - 1978 ::
Thailand - 1979
:: Thailand - 1979 ::
Hong Kong - 1979
:: Hong Kong - 1979 ::
Macau - 1979
:: Macau - 1979 ::
Singapore - 1979
:: Singapore - 1979 ::
European vacation 1979
:: European vacation 1979 ::
European vacation 1980
:: European vacation 1980 ::
Mexico - 1981
:: Mexico - 1981 ::
OMNIPARTS - Autoparts store
:: OMNIPARTS - Autoparts store ::
Cruise with the Pacific Princess - 1983
:: Cruise with the Pacific Princess - 1983 ::
Acapulco, Mexico - 1983
:: Acapulco, Mexico - 1983 ::
CANADA - 1984
:: CANADA - 1984 ::
Paradise Inn - Mt. Rainier, Washington State - 1984
:: Paradise Inn - Mt. Rainier, Washington State - 1984 ::
Crater Lake - Oregon - 1984
:: Crater Lake - Oregon - 1984 ::
Bahamas, the island of Eleuthera - 1987
:: Bahamas, the island of Eleuthera - 1987 ::
Punta Cana - Dominican Republic - 1988
:: Punta Cana - Dominican Republic - 1988 ::
Quito - Ecuador - 1989
:: Quito - Ecuador - 1989 ::
Peru - 1989
:: Peru - 1989 ::
La Paz - Bolivia - 1989
:: La Paz - Bolivia - 1989 ::
Chile - 1989
:: Chile - 1989 ::
Argentina - 1989
:: Argentina - 1989 ::
Brazil - 1989
:: Brazil - 1989 ::
Turkey - Istanbul / 1992
:: Turkey - Istanbul / 1992 ::
The Italian Alps - 1993
:: The Italian Alps - 1993 ::
Igumenitsa - Greece / 1993
:: Igumenitsa - Greece / 1993 ::
Irvine, California - 1994
:: Irvine, California - 1994 ::
Philippines - 1994
:: Philippines - 1994 ::
Touring USA - 1995
:: Touring USA - 1995 ::
Atlanta - USA - 1996
:: Atlanta - USA - 1996 ::
Alma-Ata (Kazakhstan) - 1997
:: Alma-Ata (Kazakhstan) - 1997 ::
Saudi Arabia - 1977-78, 1979-1982, 1991-1993, 1997-1998
:: Saudi Arabia - 1977-78, 1979-1982, 1991-1993, 1997-1998 ::
Touring USA - 1999
:: Touring USA - 1999 ::
London - 1999
:: London - 1999 ::
Berlin - 2000
:: Berlin - 2000 ::
Italy - Milano - 2000
:: Italy - Milano - 2000 ::
Turkey - 2001
:: Turkey - 2001 ::
Russia 2001-2002
:: Russia 2001-2002 ::
Houston (Texas) - 2002
:: Houston (Texas) - 2002 ::
J. Paul Getty Center - 2002
:: J. Paul Getty Center - 2002 ::
European vacation 2002
:: European vacation 2002 ::
Paris vacation - 2003
:: Paris vacation - 2003 ::
Corpus Cristy, Texas - 2003
:: Corpus Cristy, Texas - 2003 ::
European vacation 2004
:: European vacation 2004 ::
Houston 2005
:: Houston 2005 ::
Amsterdam, Holland 2005
:: Amsterdam, Holland 2005 ::
European vacation 2005 - Scandinavia
:: European vacation 2005 - Scandinavia ::
European vacation 2006 - Benelux
:: European vacation 2006 - Benelux ::
Thessaloniki - Greece - 2007
:: Thessaloniki - Greece - 2007 ::
Vacationing in the USA - 2007
:: Vacationing in the USA - 2007 ::
Vacation 2008 - USA, Canada and Hawaii's island of Maui
:: Vacation 2008 - USA, Canada and Hawaii's island of Maui ::
Vacation 2009 - USA - Napa Valey and Alaska
:: Vacation 2009 - USA - Napa Valey and Alaska ::
Vacation 2010 - USA and Canada
:: Vacation 2010 - USA and Canada ::
Vacation 2011 - USA and Hawaii's island of  O'ahu (Honolulu)
:: Vacation 2011 - USA and Hawaii's island of O'ahu (Honolulu) ::
Vacation 2012 -  USA and the island of Hawaii
:: Vacation 2012 - USA and the island of Hawaii ::
Vacation 2013 - Croatia and USA
:: Vacation 2013 - Croatia and USA ::
Vacation 2014 - La Jolla, Ca.; Chicago, Ill.; Cabo San Lucas, Mexico
:: Vacation 2014 - La Jolla, Ca.; Chicago, Ill.; Cabo San Lucas, Mexico ::
Vacation 2015 - Switzerland, Austria, Croatia, Greece, Makedonia, Slovenia, Italy
:: Vacation 2015 - Switzerland, Austria, Croatia, Greece, Makedonia, Slovenia, Italy ::
Vacation 2016 - Austria and Italy
:: Vacation 2016 - Austria and Italy ::
Vacation 2017(late Spring and early Summer) - New York, Chicago, Houston, Galveston
:: Vacation 2017(late Spring and early Summer) - New York, Chicago, Houston, Galveston ::
Vacation 2017 - autumn (Spain, Gibraltar and Portugal)
:: Vacation 2017 - autumn (Spain, Gibraltar and Portugal) ::
Vacation 2018 - Malta
:: Vacation 2018 - Malta ::
Spring vacation 2019 Poland, Baltic republics, Russia
:: Spring vacation 2019 Poland, Baltic republics, Russia ::
Fall vacation 2019 - Doha, Qatar and China
:: Fall vacation 2019 - Doha, Qatar and China ::
:: Bulgaria ::
The benches of the world
:: The benches of the world ::
All the cars I've owned over the years
:: All the cars I've owned over the years ::
 Olympus SZ-30MR
::  Olympus SZ-30MR ::
Our back yard
:: Our back yard ::
Cars that never made it to market
:: Cars that never made it to market ::
The power of investments
:: The power of investments ::
The best world universities
:: The best world universities ::
 In Box
::  In Box ::