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JM Peers de Nieuwburgh | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Mathieu Garin 23-May-2016 14:53

je suis à la recherche d'une photo d'un oiseau (martin-pêcheur, cormoran ou héron) à Vernon ou alentours proches. Elle pourrait être publier dans le journal de Vernon, en pleine page avec votre crédit photo bien sûr.

Merci pour l'attention que vous porterez à ma demande.


Mathieu Garin
William H. Gerdts 13-May-2013 16:34
The railroad from Paris to Rouen stopped at Vernon. From Vernon, there was a double spur line that croseed the Seine. One went East and Northeeast through Giverny and Gisors to Gasny. The other west went to Pont de 'Arche. BUT, all the paintings and photographs I have seen of the bridge from Vrnon across the Seine did not give any indication that there was a railroad track on the bridge. Was there one, or did the railroad cross the Seine from Vernon further down?
Carole Deering 19-Mar-2011 22:09
I wonder if I will ever see anything on this earth as beautiful as Monet's Giverny gardens!
GUILLAUME 22-Feb-2010 18:01
Bonsoir Jean-Michel,
Je découvre ton magnifique site d'une richesse déconcertante. C'est un régal. On devine la passion du chasseur d'images.
A bientôt
Matilda F. 08-Aug-2009 15:13
I wonder if I can get premission to use you're photos to a wabsite called
I woud be really greatful if you can send a mail back as soon as possible
Monique Trempe20-Jul-2009 00:12
Vous avez d'excellentes photos, alors je vous mets dans mes favoris pour vous suivre.
Stine 15-Mar-2009 11:11
Hi! Can I use some of your pictures on : )
Joe24-Feb-2009 22:37
Vous avez une belle galerie! L'oeil et le talent vont de pair.
Raf06-Feb-2009 21:38
Very enjoyable galleries. I find you've got a great eye behind the lens and I love the way you create breathing-room in many of your images.
Guest 25-Jan-2009 08:13
Hello Jean-Michel,
If you can spare some time, I would appreciate very much your comments on the gallery:
Hope to hear from you. Thanks.

Fay Stout01-Dec-2008 02:25
Jean-Michel... Merci beaucoup for your nice comments on my "Big Bend" travel gallery as well as my fairytale "Knock at the door mid-dream". I have very much enjoyed your photos, particularly of the dogs and cats. That is a delightful gallery! Fay
Jean-Claude Liehn12-Sep-2008 19:53
Bravo au photographe naturaliste que je découvre. J'aime le travail soigné et le votre l'est. Bon plaisir photographique, ornithologique et entomologique...Jean-Claude, Reims.
Marga de Deugd12-Jun-2008 07:11
Your galleries are very similar to my galleries. It seems we both love to make pictures of cats & dogs, birds and nature in general. So i added you to my favorite artists and I will be back regularly to watch your beautiful photos. Best regards,
Janice Dunn11-Jun-2008 03:34
Hi Jean-Michel, it is good to see you here too.
I post most of my photos on Pbase for my friends and family to see. It saves me emailing the photos for them to look at.
I must check out your gallery
Best regards and kia ora
yannick Beunard16-Apr-2008 10:14
De bien belles images ! J'aime particulièrement la galerie "Nature" ,des photos de toute beauté !
Guest 30-Jan-2008 21:38
Great Gallery