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David Bakaleinikoff | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails
Well, thanks for visiting my gallery! I really enjoy taking pictures, (especially thanks to digital cameras, and have grouped some of my photos here, color shots, and Black and White. Nearly all of the pictures, were taken either in northern or southern california, with both a canon s-10, canon a-20, and a nikon 775, all 2.1 mp digital cameras. A few of my pictures are done with my Nikon N-70 35mm and then scanned using a standard HP scanner Update: got a Olympus 5060 used it for about a year, and it died. now using a kodak 10 mp point and shoot, and an old minolta s304 for fun.

gallery: COLORstuff
gallery: BLACK & WHITEstuff
New Pictures from Petalumadogman
gallery: New Pictures from Petalumadogman
 In Box
gallery:  In Box
gallery: 1960_willys_v8_photos
gallery: family_pictures
gallery: 2009_new_stuff