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 all  reasons for the seasons
::  all reasons for the seasons ::
 painting and other small effects _ people   pictures
::  painting and other small effects _ people pictures ::
Urban  and City connections
:: Urban and City connections  ::
 trees branching out
::  trees branching out ::
 feathered / few birds  /ducks /pelicans/ swans etc
::  feathered / few birds /ducks /pelicans/ swans etc ::
 old, vintage & rally cars + toy cars
::  old, vintage & rally cars + toy cars ::
among people
:: among people ::
countryside/lakes/rivers/hills / mountain areas
:: countryside/lakes/rivers/hills / mountain areas ::
steam engines,/old military vehicles/ fire engines/ & some carnival shots
:: steam engines,/old military vehicles/ fire engines/ & some carnival shots ::
painting effects, urban, birds, countryside, animals, flowers, sea
:: painting effects, urban, birds, countryside, animals, flowers, sea ::
water ..sea,   river, yachts /boats ..canals .. ships.. waterfall
:: water ..sea, river, yachts /boats ..canals .. ships.. waterfall ::
nature's  growing colours
:: nature's growing colours ::
:: Transportation ::
animals, and the odd  fish or insect
:: animals, and the odd fish or insect ::
:: miscellaneous ::
 national monuments and  burial grounds
::  national monuments and burial grounds ::
:: people ::
spiders/  insects /slugs/ butterflies / bees / wasps
:: spiders/ insects /slugs/ butterflies / bees / wasps ::
people  in places
:: people in places ::
 skies   clouds  sun and moon
::  skies clouds sun and moon ::
:: workers___and_sports ::
 St. Patrick's Day 2004 -2016
::  St. Patrick's Day 2004 -2016 ::
:: doors_and_windows_and_chairs ::
photographers,street musicians,artists
:: photographers,street musicians,artists  ::
::  smilies ::
  shots  taken on  the set of  the making of the film 'King Arthur'.. and others
::  shots taken on the set of the making of the film 'King Arthur'.. and others ::
 scanned in snapshots  taken during  my visit to Israel
::  scanned in snapshots taken during my visit to Israel ::
scanned in  snapshots taken during my  visit to Moscow and Zagorsk (Russia)1993
:: scanned in snapshots taken during my visit to Moscow and Zagorsk (Russia)1993 ::
photos from the olden days/and some of  todays  shots of the same area
:: photos from the olden days/and some of todays shots of the same area ::
snaps/ family and friends
:: snaps/ family and friends ::