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Michael Hendrickson 05-Jan-2016 21:31
Is it true you and many others heard Mike Furtmans speach on baiting Owls with fake mice and fishing poles back in 2006? I came across this page and was amazed that Michael Furtman has been lying to the public all these years.

Michael Hendrickson (Duluth, MN)
Joe Bartejj 05-Apr-2013 22:15
Can you help with locations where we can see a Connecticut Warbler?
Trent Watts26-Jan-2013 04:36
I just noticed your galleries and am really impressed. I too like taking bird pictures so really appreciate the amount of time you have spent taking and processing your pictures. Good job.
Michael J.Matusinec 15-Nov-2012 17:24
Awesome captures Ryan, I have been looking for one for the last se eral years no luck yet.
Alison Margaret 03-Nov-2012 18:22
Dear Ryan, Like Nancy Dake, I also found your site while trying to differentiate between Belted and Frosted Whitefaces. I shall enjoy looking through more of your photos when I have the time. I'm up in Ottawa, Ontario, where we have an interesting cross-section of environments to explore. Alison
Tom Koch 04-Apr-2011 02:44
Ryan- I enjoy viewing you photos- I use 100-400mm also and 60D. We have emailed in the past. I have a couple pics that I need ID help with. Can you email me so that I can email you...........
Tom K
Victoria Photography Club24-Sep-2009 02:32
Ryan - your friend, Tom Nicholls, sent me a link to your parasitic jaeger. I'm really impressed with ALL your photos! Magnificent! I have a Canon 50D and a 100-400 L lens like yours, but I've got a long way to go to catch up!
Fain Zimmerman
Yvonne Merriam10-Jul-2009 00:54
Stumbled upon your galleries while googling identification of Belted and Frosted Whitefaces! Fantastic discussion and illustrative photos. Not to mention your other wonderful galleries which I will enjoy at leisure at my earliest opportunity. Thanks for sharing both your talent and your knowledge.
Yvonne Merriam
Nancy Dake 25-Aug-2008 14:25
Your photos are great! I found them accidently while looking for information on your Shrike lecture in Green Bay. We really enjoyed the NRF Field Trip on Banding Birds on Saturday. You have a passion for birds that is infectious--thanks for spreading it!
Nancy Dake
Mark Johnson 08-Aug-2008 18:26
Nice photos but let me ID or more correctly quess. 1. Clay-colored sparrow 2. Mourning Warbler 3. Sharp-shinned hawk

If I get them correct tell Mike McDowell. Mike, Slvia Marek and my wife Dottie bird a lot together.
Martin Murphy 22-Jun-2008 16:16
Nice work!
Ryan Brady16-Dec-2007 19:24
Mike, the source of codes used by the BBL is at Another source, which varies slightly -- including for Barred Owl -- is at
Mike Reed 14-Dec-2007 17:29
My AOU check list gives the Barred Owl code as BAOW. I may have an old list. When did the code change?
Mike Reed
Ryan Brady 18-Nov-2007 15:43
Jeff Fairbairn 12-Nov-2007 20:51
I am really enthusiastic about your site. I enjoy taking photos of anything scenic. This last year I found a young great horned owl in the area. I hope to add to it other types of owls. It appears that there are several great snowy owls in the Ashland area. I will have to come up and visit the area sometime. The gray owls are also very neat.
Audrey Manspeaker 26-Oct-2007 21:57
Hi Ryan! Your dad gave me your website address. We drive school bus for the same district. Last week we took the band to a parade. That was the first I met your dad face to face, and somehow the conversation didn't take long to end up on birds, and I am an avid birder, too. It's exciting to find fellow "bird brains". He couldn't speak enough about you and encouraged me to check out your site so here I am. You do have great photos, just as he said. I'm very impressed! Audrey Manspeaker
Guest 28-Sep-2007 15:43
Very nice photos! Great collection.
Guest 28-Apr-2007 06:09
Great Gallery
Guest 08-Mar-2007 13:40
I'm simply loss for words. Kudos!
Emma 13-Oct-2006 14:22
Very Nice pictures Ryan! I think I am going to get a digi scope...
Dan Scheiman29-Jul-2006 01:43
Ryan, I'm still checking out your albums from time to time to see what's new. I've got my photos on pbase now too.
Richard Vincent 28-Apr-2006 18:20
Very nice photos! Well done.
Guest 17-Mar-2006 15:10
My email is Thanks again!
Julie Guden
Julie Guden 17-Mar-2006 15:09
If I'm near Ashland on Sunday March 19th, I was wondering where is the best spot for seeint a snowy owl or gyr falcon? I'm from central WI so I'm not real familiar with roads in Ashland. Can you give me good directions and suggestions? Best time of day for viewing? Was anyone planning to go scoping on Sunday? I appreciate your advice.
Guest 18-Dec-2005 16:42
Thank you for sharing your inspiring photographs! You have a gift, a zest for life that comes alive in your images. Now, can you come over sometime and watch my children so I can get outside and attempt to take photographs half as inspiring as yours! Merry Xmas. Santa Paruk
Kathy Lee 13-Dec-2005 01:08
Your photographs are great. Thanks for sharing them. I love the motion of the immature Red-tailed hawk shot. I'll stay warm wqtching through your eyes.
Muskrat's Photos25-Nov-2005 02:39
You've got some great stuff here! I really enjoyed checking out your galleries!!!
Guest 08-Aug-2005 23:20
Wow, your predatory birds and rarities are outstanding! A definite advantage of living up north. That gyrfalcon is awesome. Are they rare as well?
Guest 01-Aug-2005 01:54
Ryan-fantastic owl shots. Have seen many owls but not the Great Grey-well done. When you get a chance take a look at my bird images. I too have a passion for birding and photographing birds.
Harris Brown