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Robin 20-Dec-2004 06:49
Hi Kris:
Its me again, just thought I'd drop you a line and say "Happy Holidays" from Beaverton! We miss you and I hope your'e keeping yourself safe out there.
Robin Gilbert
Wendy, NY 22-Oct-2004 05:30
Hi Kris!
Just want to say stay safe over there and thanks for the job you guys are doing.The photos are great!
Mr Peterson, your updates are very interesting, especially for those of us with family and friends serving in the mid-east. A lot of times the network news seems to bearly touch the subject of Iraq these days. The situation gets worse and we hear less as the election nears.
Prayers for Kris from the East Coast! Keep up the informative updates.
Robin Gilbert 09-Oct-2004 02:07
Hey Kris:
Those are some crazy pictures. I hope you are safe and well. I think about you often and I hope you return safely home soon.
Robin Gilbert
katie 30-Sep-2004 17:55
I stumbled onto your website in the process of looking up another friend. I was thankful to find it and to learn that you are still doing well over there. You are in my prayers and thoughts along with all the other brave men and women over there. Come home soon and safe and sound.
Stuart Peterson20-Sep-2004 03:56

Thank you for your very kind words. Your thoughts echo all of the other feedback I've had for the "Pvt Peterson" galleries. Kris is very nonchalant about the dangers he faces. As his father, I'm afraid I don't take quite the laid-back attitude. I'm not part of the danger 24x7. Your words will mean a great deal to Kris when he reads them. I'm going to urge him to visit the gallery often to view the posts. Best wishes. Stuart Peterson (Pvt Peterson's Father)
jeff (canada) 19-Sep-2004 21:35
To you folks and all the National Guard and the rest of U.S. military - a huge THANK YOU!!!
For intelligent, caring decent people on this tiny little earth, YOU ARE OUR ONLY HEROES!!! Kobe Bryant and Janet Jackson 'distract' ... but they all pale in YOUR shadows ... ! from tiny tots to 'very' grown-ups, we all thank you SO much as you are looking after and caring for ALL of your fellow earthlings? -Thank you for caring for us, for putting your life on the line for kids and their parents world wide. There would be no one to protect us, if not for you ...
I hope hope hope you never think you're 'just a number' a 'brick in the huge building' of liberty's armies ... because remember the small children, and those adults that 'really do care' ... they all know you're the only 'real' super-star: the individual soldier. Thank you so much.
Laura 16-Sep-2004 18:33
To Kris and all of the soldiers serving with you...A huge THANK YOU for your selfless service to our country. Deployment is never easy for the soldier or the family left behind. My husband was deployed for 10 months during the first Gulf War with the 1st Cav from Ft. Hood, TX. Take care of yourself and thanks also to your family who updates this web site and offers a way for people like myself to send a message to a soldier who is far from home. My family supports all of the US Troops! My 2 year-old daughter will grow up in a better world thanks to the work you all are doing now.
May God bless you and keep you safe.
D Boliba 15-Sep-2004 17:28
Hello Kris, my daughter is on the same softball team as Vanessa Phillips daughter. Vanessa was sharing your story with us and Emailed me your information.I just wanted to let you know that we support you and what you are doing. We truly appreciate your service
to your country and by what sacrifices your are making overseas you are helping to keep my family and I safer here in our own country Once again thank you for your service to your country,
Vanessa BeddoePhillips 15-Sep-2004 15:37
Hi Kris,
I am happy you are back at the camp. It has been a long month for you and your buds, I bet. Hey we saw you in the Oregonian and wow I hear you are grabbing the national limelight agian! You hot dogger you! I appreciate your Dad so much for keeping us update with this great form of communication...Gregg, Bridget, Trevor, and Savannah all send there "Hellos and Hugs" to you.
Hey, did you ever get the two big boxes with all the goody bags and letters from my students? If not, inquire where ever you inquire or I can follow up herer for you. It was sent last May/Juneish....Hope you did and hope you and all your friends were able to enjoy them. I need to go prepare for classes....remember when you were in middle school? Wow, such a long time ago, huh! Can you beleive I am an official teacher now....scary thought me shaping the minds of young people. They may all end up warped because of me or worn out because of my energy!
Take care, We are sending lots of energy, prayers, and love...
(Aunt ) Vanessa :-)
Cuban Grandma 15-Sep-2004 12:44
Hi Kris, I didn't have Internet until last week, but your Dad send e-mails and gives me all the updates on you. I am very proud of you and I keep you and all the soldiers in my prayers. Please, be safe. It is hard to believe that the little baby I used to watch on Friday or Saturday nights is now risking his life everyday in order to keep our country safe. Big hug from your Cuban Grandma.
David Waller 13-Aug-2004 20:26
Stuart, I'm guessing you're Dad. Please pass this message on to Kris.

I don't know you, Kris, but I can across a link to a photogallery of your experiences in Iraq on the internet. I looked through all the pictures, taking in the images of a young man who clearly is a motivated, patriotic warrior defending the rest of us back home.

I'm 42, and never served myself. With the terror situation, I sometimes regret not having the opportunity to defend my family, friends, and fellow citizens. My family and I appreciate more deeply than I can put in to words the bravery and sacrifice you, and your buddies are making. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for keeping us safe and free. And thank you for risking your life to spread these gifts to people that have known only opression and misery for several generations.

Despite the intense, sharply divided politics here at home right now, know that there are millions upon millions of us that love you guys, are supporting you to he hilt, and fighting the political fight back home to make sure you're backed by the American people. I'm sure you are probably familiar with the Toby Keith song, "American Soldier" (if not, let me know where I can email an MP3 for you). I'll be seeing Keith in concert on August 29th, and now that I've seen your pictures serving in Iraq, I'll be thinking of those images and you as he sings his tribute to our brave young men and women who, in the words of the song allow us all to, "sleep in peace tonight".


Dave Waller
Scotts Valley, CA
Anne Young23-Jul-2004 01:34
Stuart, Thank you very much for visiting my galleries. I just spent the past 20 minutes looking at all your pictures. Enjoy your 10D!

Take Care,
Scott 07-Jun-2004 05:31
It's hard to believe that Kris has been gone less than a year when you look at those pictures in chronological order. It looks like he has really grown up quick out there. I tell you what.... I'm glad I'm not staring down the wrong end of that .50 Cal barrel! Kris looks like quite the Bad Ass up there! I love that last picture of Kris in the patrol vehicle with the Clint Eastwood "Feeling Lucky" logo on it.

Scott Burden