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Bob Honiker | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Frank 26-Feb-2021 01:45
Bob, Wow seeing the older Minolt Gear brings back Memories. I still have a minolta freedom, Minolta Dynax 8000i (with the cards) Minolta 7D, newer Sony Gear is A77II, A900 and ILCE-9M2. Oh no I forgot some older MD lens that a neighbor gave me.... I have lots of great pictures form all of these... Thanks for the memories :o)
Daffynition 07-Jan-2018 20:32
SWAMPSNIPER we miss you; and think of you often.

Loving you and your gift of the birds.
T L J 19-Jan-2015 01:47
I have long admired your photographs and especially enjoy the delightful way you incorporate technical information. In a word though, if I were to answer the question "WHAT'S SO SPECIAL ABOUT THE "SNIPER," I would say that it's in the richness and vividness of hues. I am not quite sure what you're doing, but you are clearly attuned to things to which most photographers are not attuned. You don't rely on the media - it's as if you rely on the Sun. You're great - and unpredictable - and funny - and delightful.
SKR 13-Feb-2011 04:37
Wonderful photos!
Ron H 12-Feb-2011 15:33
Bob it looks very nice,,love your Fla pics,,,will look more later,,,Thanks for Shareing the link...I would use Pbase, but takes for ever to down load on this super slow Dial-up..
Carole 12-Feb-2011 14:18
Wow! The hummingbirds are absolutely gorgeous!! Thanks for sharing.
Ed Slavin 11-Feb-2009 23:01

As I wrote on ToTT in 2006, your photos would make wonderful nature calendars.

Thanks so much for sharing them here, and for being the Paul Revere of Maria Sanchez Lake.

I'd heard there were possible concerns about heavy metal pollution of the lakebed from years of a certain newspaper, formerly printed upstream of the lake. Often pass the lake on the way to and from work, and am outraged at the environmental arrogance of our Nation's Oldest City.
I grew up in Southern New Jersey, on 10 acres, where you couldn't even see neighbors' lights except in wintertime. There is so much nature and history here in St. Augustine worth preserving -- let's all work together on this.

Ed Slavin
829-3877 (o)
Guest 07-Apr-2008 15:23
Nice Galleries

website :
grayeagle 20-Dec-2007 05:58
Wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas.

Nice photo work - love your FReeper posts.
Guest 26-Nov-2006 21:17
Welcome to OLP and thanks for the look see into your galleries..
I like what you have
and do not see some of these
so it is my pleasure to look at your galeries..
G. Horn
British Columbia
Elizabeth (Harper) Kilgore 29-Sep-2006 13:32

Are you Mary's dad? I graduated from St Joe with her and was trying to contact her regarding our 20th reunion -- it is SOON. Please email me if I've reached the right place. Thanks!