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joanteno | all galleries >> Picture a Day >> Picture a Day 2007 >> October 2007 > Pbase Red Bull Racing October 13 DSC_0544.jpg
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Pbase Red Bull Racing October 13 DSC_0544.jpg

Red Bull Soap Box Racing on the College Hill

Red Bull Soap Box Derby is where teams build a "vehicle" without a motor that they coast down a hill. Their run is judged on speed, creativity, and showmanship. It is quite fun event!


Nikon D80
1/500s f/4.5 at 70.0mm iso220 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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ewa toll14-Oct-2007 14:54
Vince14-Oct-2007 14:33
A great capture. Great expression, lighting and colors. Vote.
Karen Stuebing14-Oct-2007 12:04
He looks like he would've won showmanship. :) Great candid. Love his expression and I wonder how he manages to drive and shoot at the same time. V.
Pic Chick14-Oct-2007 06:51
This is a great shot!! Were they all revved up on Red Bull?
Bryan Murahashi14-Oct-2007 03:28
Fun capture.
Bryan Ramsay14-Oct-2007 02:10
Great candid catch!! -BJ
Guest 14-Oct-2007 01:21
Great, great expression. V
northstar3713-Oct-2007 22:53
careful, now!
Gayle P. Clement13-Oct-2007 22:06
A grownup soapbox derby! Cool. I love the excitement on the driver's face.
Jackdad13-Oct-2007 21:33
no idea what this is all about but it looks like fun!