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joanteno | all galleries >> Java, Moki, and Cino! >> gabi_the_lab > pbase They sleep I work March 3 DSC_3929.jpg
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pbase They sleep I work March 3 DSC_3929.jpg

Yep, Day 3 of working on multiple deadlines that must be done by next Tuesday and of course, while I am on call..

Promise, better photos March 13 (yea, March 13 - on call for a week, spending about 20 hours flying on March 11 to 12).

Nikon D300
1/40s f/3.2 at 17.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Karen Moen18-Nov-2012 12:15
Good dogs living good karma! Very cute pose! Voted.
Linda Alstead11-Mar-2008 14:50
Pic Chick09-Mar-2008 19:58
O-M-G, this is PRICELESS! I'm bustin' a gut laughing!!! I LOVE IT! V ~
Guest 05-Mar-2008 21:59
In my next life I want to be one of your dogs!!
ewa toll04-Mar-2008 20:26
black&white Harmonia
laine8204-Mar-2008 09:42
Well, they decided to rest for you LOL, funny pair.
Sharon Rogers04-Mar-2008 09:34
hah! in typical lab pose
Jackdad04-Mar-2008 08:02
I hope you didn't want to sit down Joan - it looks like that seat is taken. LOL!
optimist04-Mar-2008 05:56
LOL--this is the one! One of a kind!
Greg Harp04-Mar-2008 05:40
Fun shot.
Bryan Murahashi04-Mar-2008 04:19
Funny capture.
Coleen Perilloux Landry04-Mar-2008 01:14
What do you mean better? This is good, real life stuff.
Sheila04-Mar-2008 00:55
You can catch up on your sleep on that long journey :-)